Saturday, 27 September 2014

Preliminary Production Task

Before making our final film, the short thriller opening, we must know how to use the cameras and all the different shots.
Our task is to create as small continuity piece involving filming and editing an interaction between characters. The basics of this piece must include a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down opposite another character which whom he/she exchanges dialogue with. The task should demonstrate match-on-action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.
In order to do this I have to understand the things need to complete the task so I had ago at taking stills with these conditions involving my younger brother.
This animated gif I made demonstrates match-on-action. Match-on-action is the film and editing technique where one shot cuts to another view that matches the first shot's action. it gives the impression of continuous time action. this is a form of continuity editing. I believe that my attempt at match-on-action was very successful and I will use this skill in the continuity task I will complete.

The 180 degree rule is a basic guideline that states that two characters in the same scene should always have the same left-right relationship to each other throughout (see image).
I will use these skills in my continuity task as a practice and in preparation for the final project I must do. To complete this task I will be working with Tasmine Benton, Darby Abberley and Lois Woodward.

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