Friday, 3 October 2014

Utopia: Case Study

Utopia: Post-production
An article was published on explaining how Utopia got its comic book look in the post-production stage. The article talks about how the bold colours, primarily yellows, cyan and magentas, differ from the normal greens, blues and reds used in cinematography. It also talks about the software used in the editing stages- Nucoda Film Master- and how it was applied to the shots to enhance the dull British skies.   
Post-production is the last stage in film making. This includes the editing of the shots and sound to create a final piece. Post-production is a chance to correct minor mistakes but if the original footage is inadequate, then post-production would be unlikely to fix this. Post-production mixes the audio, adds sound effects and non-diegetic sound, shots are improved and the shot order is established.
When editing my own film pieces in post-production, I need to consider the intended audience and the effect I wish to create. I will consider how the piece looks on screen and the effect it creates. I will use effects that reflect the theme of the piece - a thriller opening. I will make sure that the shots have continuity so that editing is not required to do this.
Many things will need to be considered when applying effects and editing a shot.

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